Podere il Saliceto is the little big world of Gian Paolo Marcello and that, in less than four hectares, can create wines great personality.
L ' Albone, produced with grapes lambrusco Sorbara and sausage, is the soul of their territory, a challenge to the clichés that Paths Wine and Cream Without want you to try using a greedy contest.
What is the competition ? Simple, the first twenty food / wine blogger participating in the initiative will send a bottle of L ' Albone just waiting to be drunk by embarking on a recipe created ad hoc for the occasion. The
best match, scored by a jury, will be rewarded with a box of six bottles of Argine , the other wine Podere il Saliceto manufactured by selected grapes Malbo kind, merlot and sangiovese .
To participate, there are a few simple rules:
- Applications must be submitted by mail to: info@percorsidivino.com and will be accepted in chronological order;
- Bloggers have to write a post on their site pointing and linking the initiative to speak properly Percorsi di Vino , Senza Panna e l’azienda Podere il Saliceto ;
- entro un mese dovranno dar vita alla ricetta di abbinamento con il lambrusco creando uno specifico post sul loro blog;
- chi non ha fatto in tempo a ricevere il vino ovviamente può partecipare anche solo pubblicando una ricetta con l'abbinamento!
Avanti, La Nouvelle Vague del Lambrusco has begun!
Read more on 'the farm Saliceto Company: Paths wine!
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