How much you gave woman
centuries of light
that reflected the conscience
swallowed by the abyss of silence .
And how much longer.
roots to hold the land
velvet love
a turn to touch the sky
fertile seeds of courage
to a world inhabited by the war.
And how much longer.
From your eyes
sunrise and fog,
review of the proceedings
in the hope of flowers.
Small little things
recovered childhood
writing dreams.
And how much longer.
leaves that cover the shame of the universe
lakes generous di acque vergini
spessore del segreto
delle profonde radici del tuo tempo.
Quanto autunno
inondando la terra e un colore crepuscolare
nella corteccia.
(Carmen Yanez)
Il mio omaggio a tutte le Donne per l'8 marzo.
I versi sono della poetessa cilena Carmen Yanez nata a Santiago del Cile nel 1952.
is a woman of our times that in 23 years has seen the atrocities of Pinochet's prisons, the same as the Pinochet wrote as Pope John Paul II:
John Paul II. "
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