Thursday, January 27, 2011

Pro Stock And Warrior Franchise

Memorial Day

to learn from what happened in the past, knowing that they look to the future. Avoid contributing to fuel further divisions. Educating the younger generation to appreciate projecting the values \u200b\u200bof peace, brotherhood, mutual respect, which are the values \u200b\u200bof our civilization.
These are the concepts that I wanted to express today participating the ceremony for the memorial day of the Rice Mill San Sabba in Trieste, the only death camp in Italy.
I appreciated the intervention of the mayor for administrative structure and its contents to the future. Has taken over the roots of the tragedy of the Holocaust to look to the future and say that the development opportunities of Trieste are linked to the respect for diversity, diversity that represent great value of this city and the region, multiethnic and multicultural.
I also appreciated the reminder of the Mayor Dipiazza, who has asked to keep his guard against indifference: that someone should not happen again, as they were outside of the Rice Mill, turn your head away. I am still convinced of the need to look ahead.
Every thing of the past must be known and understood, but always knowing look ahead. Only those who have fear of being shot in the back you look back, while those who want to build something he will look ahead horizon.


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