Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blood When I Brush My Toung

33333 throughout a three

What I has come down to the numbers??

or so I took a photo similar to the beginning of summer with my Ka which had reached 130,000 km. Today, two curves before the institution reach 133,333! It means that in 3 months I have traveled 3,333 km
brake, do not know where to approach on the one hand there is the rock wall, the other a forest and then I can opt for the middle of the road. Urge to take a picture and added proudly showing colleagues the images. They smile but maybe think I'm crazy ... and someone says the nursery rhyme came in Trento Trentino 33 and 33 all trotting. Marzia

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What To Say In Am Engagement Card

Loose Cannons

I recently reviewed, because I have recommended to friends, the film "Loose Cannons". Once again I was fascinated by the figure of the elderly grandmother and especially by his posts

Sbaglia per conto tuo, sempre.

La normalità che brutta parola.

Gli amori impossibili sono quelli che durano in eterno.

Ed è proprio lei la nonna che ci racconta nel film il suo amore impossibile, l'uomo che non è mai stato veramente suo ma che ha sempre desiderato per tutta la vita. L'amore si trasforma in desiderio eterno, bellissimo e devastante allo stesso tempo, una fiamma che non si spegne nonostante altri amori e altre vite. Nulla, propria nulla può cancellarlo.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

'why My Dvds Are Greed

cheerful and beautiful objects express

For me, a framework should be
pleasant, cheerful and beautiful, so beautiful!
There are already too many unpleasant things in life
to create new
(Pierre Auguste Renoir)