Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Why Do Men Chat Up Other Women Online

What a beautiful castle marcondirondirondello

Nevica da giorni ma oggi si limita ad essere piovoso, una nebbiolina fitta fitta, la strada infangata e un panorama piuttosto insolito, bianco per la neve che ha ricoperto la valle, bianco che avvolge the skyline. Undoubtedly, with this atmosphere, the castle has a something unusual, surrounded by an aura of mystery. Castel Thun was built in the middle of the thirteenth century. and was the seat of the powerful family of Thun is situated atop a hill in a beautiful position.

We're here to celebrate the birthday of a special friend, a guide takes us inside the structure telling the story ed i segreti di questa potente famiglia.  Oltrepassata la porta del ponte levatoio (1541) e superato il primo cortile, si incontra l'ingresso del palazzo baronale che si eleva al centro del sistema fortificato: al piano terra si trovano le stanze pubbliche, mentre al primo piano si trovavano le stanze dei signori. Passeggiamo tra le numerose sale, completamente arredate con arredi originali, per cogliere attimi di vita e secoli di storia, cercando di decifrare ed immaginare suoni, parole, persone, attività mentre il castello prende vita intorno a noi.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Yamaha Endure Outboards

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What Are The Interesting Facts Of Cystic Fibrosis

snowing ... Eyes wide open

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

How To Ollie Diagrams

Examples Community Service Completion Letter

Remembering Grandpa born 01.12.1923

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Baddest Ruffest - Backyard Dog Paroles

Sunday meeting

The weather forecast is dire, and by evening the next day rain. Better get out, walk through the autumn colors and the scent of chestnuts. The parking lot "someone" calls me and I make friends with a beautiful black cat. Approaching and leaving pet has a collar with a blue medallion showing a mobile phone number (good think to myself) and its name: Nerina. I smile and think that kitten immediately to the beach this summer we have treated with a special group of people. She was all black and with four little puppies to feed! Nerina Nerina reminds me of Trent in Cesano, a sign, a message that warms the heart in this warm autumn.


Thursday, November 11, 2010


Beautiful autumn sunshine after days of rain

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Flu With Horrible Stomach Contractions

The consciousness of animals

Saturday, November 6, 2010

White Bumps Soft Palate

Holz Wood

input Institute

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Red Cross Tooth Medicine

gold and bronze

Back once again the magical moment when the forest is a riot of colors, scents and flavors. This season, the leaves are tinged with warm shades of yellow, gold, bronze, brown, orange and red to give us spectacular images. We just have to walk, walk and walk ...

Saturday, October 16, 2010

If You Dvr Does It Count For The Ratings?

The comic Silvia Ziche by Donna Moderna

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hl Dt St Gh40f Firmware

A deer is majestic

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Blood When I Brush My Toung

33333 throughout a three

What I has come down to the numbers??

or so I took a photo similar to the beginning of summer with my Ka which had reached 130,000 km. Today, two curves before the institution reach 133,333! It means that in 3 months I have traveled 3,333 km
brake, do not know where to approach on the one hand there is the rock wall, the other a forest and then I can opt for the middle of the road. Urge to take a picture and added proudly showing colleagues the images. They smile but maybe think I'm crazy ... and someone says the nursery rhyme came in Trento Trentino 33 and 33 all trotting. Marzia

Sunday, September 19, 2010

What To Say In Am Engagement Card

Loose Cannons

I recently reviewed, because I have recommended to friends, the film "Loose Cannons". Once again I was fascinated by the figure of the elderly grandmother and especially by his posts

Sbaglia per conto tuo, sempre.

La normalità che brutta parola.

Gli amori impossibili sono quelli che durano in eterno.

Ed è proprio lei la nonna che ci racconta nel film il suo amore impossibile, l'uomo che non è mai stato veramente suo ma che ha sempre desiderato per tutta la vita. L'amore si trasforma in desiderio eterno, bellissimo e devastante allo stesso tempo, una fiamma che non si spegne nonostante altri amori e altre vite. Nulla, propria nulla può cancellarlo.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

'why My Dvds Are Greed

cheerful and beautiful objects express

For me, a framework should be
pleasant, cheerful and beautiful, so beautiful!
There are already too many unpleasant things in life
to create new
(Pierre Auguste Renoir)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Vintage Clothing For Size 18

found objects, collected or donated to revive them.
objects that tell a personal story behind it there because, individually or family, a memory to keep.
You can feel the joy of use, the daily toil, the smile of satisfaction but also despair at the inevitability of events.
have come here following different paths, paths with opposite directions, temporary detours, facing all the nuances of the seasons.
Tell us your story and I'll be enchanted to hear

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Severe Nausea At 38 Wks


In River Park News descend into the bowels of the earth, in the canyon of the river says, if we listen, the story written in a sea of \u200b\u200bthousands of years. Entrance of the gorge are the steps and narrow, but the view is rewarding: suspended on a metal walkway anchored in rock you can admire the fearless work of water erosion in the hard rock dolomite. Attention is directed downward, attracted by the sound of water flowing away quickly and that creates light and dance movements with hustle and bustle. For a moment I stop to think about the people who have worked to create this path, with courage and pride to those who put down these gangways, who knows how many stories potrebbero raccontarci!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Sample Mission Statements For Ambulance Service

culinary transformations

Saturday, August 7, 2010

What Rock Is Best To Use To Make An Arrow Head

De Sog van Rindel

Sabato 7 agosto alle ore 15 sarà inaugurata De Sog van Rindel, una segheria alla veneziana recuperata come sezione museale del Bersntoler Museum, dedicata all’esperienza del legno e legata quindi al bosco e all’attività della segagione.
Questa segheria, collocata sul rio Balkof a Fierozzo/Vlarotz, ha soddisfatto il fabbisogno di legname delle famiglie che vivevano nella zona circostante e il suo utilizzo si è protratto fino alla fine degli anni Cinquanta, continuando a rappresentare then until fairly recently, a satisfactory technical solution. The Sog van
Rindel is situated in a particularly significant, where you can explore the variety of forest trees, particularly larch and fir trees, and just above, pastures and mountain huts, this splendid testimony of the relationship between man and land .

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Chest Breaks Out When I Shave It

Summer Jamboree

Senigallia salt on m acch ina of time, like every year in August, which declined in the '40s and '50s and transform his nights in Swing, Jive, Boogie & Rock 'n' Roll! Then
dancing ...
But before jumping to a normal market where you can find vintage clothing and accessories, a chair hair salon for hair style in the 50s and then off with cars and motorcycles on the waterfront and in town for all nine days of revelry in sauce jamboree.